Dating Ideas
Making a good impression on a date is imperative to getting that second date. Think about it. How many bad first dates have never materialised into a second date? How many times have you been the victim or the perpetrator of a bad date? Well, it is time to change all that with some dating ideas that create a great date atmosphere.
There are many traditional dating ideas that still make a good impression. For instance, you can bring flowers, go to a nice place for dinner, take a walk along a river, etc. All very romantic dating ideas that are often surefire ways to create a nice date atmosphere. But what if you want more than nice? Then it is time to get out those more creative dating ideas.
It is important, first of all, to be cool, calm, and collected. That is the precursor to any good date. Everyone is nervous the first time they go out with someone, so relax. Work on getting over questioning everything you do. Remember, it is more important that you like yourself in a relationship, not that the other person likes you more. If you aren't in that place, then a first date is going to be Nerve City for you, and no creative dating ideas are going to help you get over that uncertainty.
Once you have your head on straight then it is time to get into a list of creative dating ideas. If you already know your date, then creating ideas for your date becomes a bit easier. Are they a traditionalist? Then sticking to the basic dating ideas listed above are probably good. But why not try going for a stroll where you know there is some performance art? This helps to create stimulating conversation, which is vital to a good first date. Go beyond the dinner and a movie motif. Go to the museum, where there is probably a nice restaurant inside or nearby. This satisfies the traditional dinner, but also gives you somewhere to walk around and get to know each other.
If your date isn't a tradionalist and likes little more adventure, there are always dating ideas that allow you to be spontaneous on a date. Go somewhere in their area of interest. You may find art fairs, renaissance fairs, plays, or comedy clubs great areas for stimulation. Create a memory somewhere. Go to a sports game if they are into sports or a book signing if they like to read. If you know they are into their dog, go to a dog park or an event where Fido can tag along. In most newspapers, there is a section on Fridays listing the events going on that weekend, and some major cities have magazines devoted to happenings in the area.
Okay, so figuring out great dating ideas for the person you don't know can be a little more challenging. However, it is not impossible. Remember, you want a little of yourself to be reflected in your dating ideas, as it makes you more unforgettable (in a good way). If you and your date have some of the same friends, then you may want to run some of your dating ideas by them, or even have them give you ideas as to what your date likes to do. This information will help you come up with some dating ideas like those listed above.
Yet, if your date is someone you met, say, in a coffee shop or grocery store, then there are some creative dating ideas you can add to your date. For instance, try a daytime date. Not every date has to be in the evening. Local festivals are great ways for you to talk while admiring different activities. Go shopping. This may sound boring, but sometimes going to unique shops can enhance a date. For instance, if you live in a city that has an old-fashioned downtown area, then that is a great place to shop together and maybe even stop for an ice cream (old-fashioned, but still fun!). Some areas have great antique shops, art galleries, and even stores for techno-junkies. Often you can find out a lot about your date from where they shop.
Dating ideas come from all kinds of places. If you aren't creative, that is okay too. Adding just one thing with a little flair can help make a good impression, but in the end it still comes down to compatibility with the other person. Your dating ideas should always be some reflection upon yourself, and your dating situation should always allow you to be who you are. If you try to be someone you're not, then your relationship will be hard on you. Making a good impression through your dating ideas can bring about a second date, and who knows what other paths...